Hi! I'm Esther. I work as a software engineer doing user interfaces and clinical data rendering for a medical device manufacturer. Making complex information easy and pleasant to access and explore is something I really enjoy.
I enjoy coffee and spending time with my wife and our dog. I ride a turquoise bike with a matching helmet.
This website is hosted on NeoCities, which is a super fun project. Even being a professional software engineer, its focus on user friendliness helps me -- accessibility features are just features!
Anyway, this is my website. I write a lot of notes for myself but almost never publish them. Maybe I'll do that here. I've also created some fun little web apps in the past, and I'll put those here too. NeoCities taking care of the hosting makes this all so easy.
Thanks for stopping by - I hope something here interests you!
(I finally have my own website so I can make the borders as round as I want)